

About Us

Troop 82 prides itself on having trained, responsible adults to work with the Scouts. There are some training requirements that are from the BSA National Office, such as Youth Protection Training. In addition, per the Archdiocese, all adults that will be in contact with Parish youth (CYO, Adult Leaders, Scoutmasters, Scout Leaders, etc..) need to have proper paperwork and background checks. This includes any parents that may accompany Scouts on overnight camping trips. Please see Joe Seborowski to make sure all the proper paperwork is filled out. The Parish will pay any associated fees for these background checks. This is in addition to the Youth Protection Training required by the Boy Scouts.

All Scouts should be in Class B uniform for regular Troop 82 events, including Troop 82 meetings. The first meeting of each month is also aClass A meeting for ALL Scouts. Courts of Honor are always mandatory full Class A uniform, no exceptions. Boards of Review are Class Afor the Scout attending the Board of Review. A reminder to all Scouts, the Class A uniform also includes appropriate pants.