

Welcome to Troop 82, Our Lady of Grace Church, Penndel, PA

Welcome to Troop 82, Our Lady of Grace Church, Tamanend District, Washington Crossing Council website!


Our scout year starts in late August and ends near the end of June with summer camp.

Troop meetings are Monday nights starting at 7:00 p.m. last an hour and a half.  We meet at troop room located in the basement of Our Lady of Grace School.

Camping weekends are typically the 3rd weekend of the month and start Friday night and end Sunday morning.

Committee meetings are the Monday after a camping weekend and start at 7:00 p.m.


 Contact info

Scoutmaster:  John L. Papp, troop82aerojpapp@gmail.com

Committee Chair:  John McCool, themccoolfamily@msn.com

Weekly Announcements: Oct. 11th

Posted on Oct 11 2024 - 9:31am

Hello Troop 82,

LOTS OF DATES AND EVENTS!!   Click on calendar event for more details

  • Troop Meetings: 7:00 p.m. - Always Remember to Bring Your Scout Book!
    • Oct. 14th:  Class B
    • Oct. 21st:  Class B
    • Nov 4th:  Class A - SMC and BoR
    • Nov. 11th:  Class B
  • Camping Trips - Always Remember to Bring Your Scout Book!
    • Oct. 25th - 27th:  Kenoebel's
    • Nov. 15th-17th:  Merit Badge Weekend at Hawk Mountain
    • Sign-up for all camping trips is open so go to event and register NOW so planning for trips can be done during troop meetings
  • Committee Meeting
    • Oct. 28th, 7pm
    • All troop adults invited to participate in troop planning
  • PLC Meeting
    • Oct. 28th, 7pm
    • Senior Patrol Leader and all patrol leaders or assistant patrol leaders must attend
  • Fundraising
    • Oct. 12th - 13th:  Stickybun Fundraiser at OLG Church
      • Oct. 12th, 4:00 p.m.:  Please arrive 15 minutes early to help
      • Oct. 13th, 7:45 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.:  Please arrive 15 minutes early to help
      • Sign-up genius link found on calendar event 
  • Service Hours
    • Oct 11th, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.:  Shredding at Tawanka Elementary School
      • Joe Hogan specifically asked troop for help
      • Just need to help move items from cars to shredder
      • Wear Class B
      • Refreshments will be provided
    • Ask leaders for opportunities for service hours or find your own in the community!
  • Religious Emblem
    • Ad Altare Dei:  Catholic Religious Emblem
      • Oct. 13th:  1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at OLG School
      • Continues every other Sunday until February
    • Ad Altare Dei MANDATORY RETREAT:  Nov. 2nd:  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      • All Ad Altare Dei scouts must attend to earn emblem
      • Details to be provided
  • Summer Camp
    • TBD in December


John L. Papp
Troop 82
Our Lady of Grace
Penndel, Pa

Weekly Announcements: May 23rd

Posted on May 23 2024 - 11:57am

Hello Troop 82,

This week's special announcements:  This Monday is Memorial Day!  Our troop has traditionally participated in the Penndel/Hulmeville Memorial Day Parade held the Saturday before Memorial Day.  Although participation is not mandatory, it is highly encouraged.  Please muster at the troop room at 8:00 a.m.  We will then car-pool to the parade start in Hulmeville.  Class A with full bling is required.  Furthermore, the troop has been asked to perform a flag ceremony at the end of the parade to retire the old flag at the war memorial in Penndel.  Six or more scouts are needed for this.  I would also like to say that participation in a flag ceremony is a requirement for rank advancement.

I know that this has been in the announcements for the past month but the troop is always in need of volunteers, especially for the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration on June 9th.  Please think of helping out...

  • Video/Photography (Photographer)
  • Memorabilia (Historian)
  • Decorating
  • Activities/Games (Scouts)
  • Catering
  • Cutlery/Paper Products (Quartermaster)
  • Press (Scribe)
  • Raffle
  • Gift Bags

Other volunteer positions within the troop that don't really require that much effort:

  • Fundraising (stickybuns, greenery, car wash, pancake breakfast, eat-out...pick one to help out with or make one up on your own)
  • Summer camp coordinator (register scouts, attend orientation zoom meetings, merit badge registration, YOU DON'T NEED TO ATTEND SUMMER CAMP!)
  • Camping adult...give our scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters a break and come along on one or two monthly camping trips a year

Major volunteer positions that will be required over the 2024-2025 scout year.  These are "Key Three" positions that are required to be a chartered troop in Scouts BSA.  They do have more responsibilities than the other positions but are a very rewarding experience!

  • Scoutmaster...scouting experience a plus but not a requirement
  • Committee Chair...good organizer and delegator

Here are this week's announcements.

  • Troop Meetings: 7:00 p.m. - Always Remember to Bring Your Scout Book!
    • May 27th:  Class B - Memorial Day -  Collecting, Inventing, Camping Merit Badge Requirements
    • June 3rd:  Class A - Scoutmaster Conferences, Board of Reviews, Merit Badge Requirements
    • June 10th:  Class B - Merit Badge Requirements and prep for summer camp
    • June 17th:  Class A - Last troop meeting until late August.  Prep for summer camp
  • Camping Trips
    • Have ideas for next year to present to troop!
  • Committee Meeting
    • TBD
    • All troop adults invited to participate in troop planning
  • PLC Meeting
    • See you in August
    • Senior Patrol Leader and all patrol leaders or assistant patrol leaders must attend
  • Fundraising
    • Penndel Day - June 8th:  Troop sells food and car wash
  • Service Hours
    • May 25th:  Penndel/Hulmeville Memorial Day Parade
      • Muster at troop room at 8:00 a.m.
      • Carpool to parade start at 8:15 a.m. usually along Reetz Ave or Lincoln Ave in Hulmeville
      • Participate in flag ceremony at end of parade at Penndel war memorial the intersection of Hulmeville Ave and Pfc John Delola Ave.
      • Class A with full bling required!
    • June 1st:  Breakfast for Pack 82
      • Not really service hours but a good way to interact with the Pack and the young cubs...hopefully get them interested in crossing over into our troop!
      • Details to be determined.
    • Ask leaders for opportunities for service hours or find your own in the community!
  • Summer Camp
    • June 23 - 29, Resica Falls
    • Make sure to prepare your medical forms.  Forms A, B, and C (requires a doctor's signature) must be completed prior to attending summer camp.  All the medical forms can be found HERE under the "Are you going to camp?" section.
    • Please go to HERE for merit badge pre-reqs.  These need to get done before summer camp or you will receive a partial!


John L. Papp
Troop 82
Our Lady of Grace
Penndel, Pa

Weekly Announcements: May 2nd

Posted on May 2 2024 - 9:16am

Hello Troop 82,

This week's special announcements:  The troop has been asked to help do some outdoor cleanup at the Richardson House in Langhorne starting at noon on Sunday, May 5th lasting only a couple of hours.  Remember, all ranks beyond Scout require service hours and this is a great opportunity.  Please signup on the calendar through the link below.  Thank you everyone for a great car-wash!  Just putting a warning out there to the adults and scouts in the troop about the May camping trip.  The May camping trip will not have Mr. Gutherman while Mr. Papp can only stay until Saturday afternoon so additional adults will be needed to maintain two deep leadership.  The May trip is an advancement weekend for all the scouts below Second Class and is to be run by all scouts First Class and above so there is a need for First Class and above scouts for the weekend.  Finally...

Congratulations to our new Senior Patrol Leader, Blake Angilini, and all the rest of the newly elected scouts.

I know that this has been in the announcements for the past month but the troop is always in need of volunteers, especially for the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration on June 9th.  Please think of helping out...

  • Video/Photography (Photographer)
  • Memorabilia (Historian)
  • Decorating
  • Activities/Games (Scouts)
  • Catering
  • Cutlery/Paper Products (Quartermaster)
  • Press (Scribe)
  • Raffle
  • Gift Bags

Other volunteer positions within the troop that don't really require that much effort:

  • Fundraising (stickybuns, greenery, car wash, pancake breakfast, eat-out...pick one to help out with or make one up on your own)
  • Summer camp coordinator (register scouts, attend orientation zoom meetings, merit badge registration, YOU DON'T NEED TO ATTEND SUMMER CAMP!)
  • Camping adult...give our scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters a break and come along on one or two monthly camping trips a year

Major volunteer positions that will be required over the 2024-2025 scout year.  These are "Key Three" positions that are required to be a chartered troop in Scouts BSA.  They do have more responsibilities than the other positions but are a very rewarding experience!

  • Scoutmaster...scouting experience a plus but not a requirement
  • Committee Chair...good organizer and delegator

Here are this week's announcements.

  • Troop Meetings: 7:00 p.m. - Always Remember to Bring Your Scout Book!
    • May 6th:  Class A - SMC's and BoR's - Inventing Merit Badge Requirements
    • May 13th:  Class B - Camping Merit Badge Requirements
    • May 27th:  Class B - Memorial Day -  Collecting Merit Badge Requirements
  • Camping Trips
    • May 17-19:  Advancement Weekend - We are in need of a significant adult and 1st Class and above scout presence.  The Gutherman's will be unable to attend due to family commitments and Mr. Papp can only stay until Saturday afternoon.  First Class and above scouts will be helping the other scouts with their rank requirements and at least two adults need to attend for two deep leadership.
      • Ockanickon Scout Reservation
      • Not at First Class...hopefully you will be by the end of the weekend!
      • First Class and above lead
  • Committee Meeting
    • May 20th, 7:00 p.m., Troop Room
    • All troop adults invited to participate in troop planning
  • PLC Meeting
    • May 20th, 7:30 p.m., Troop Room - This is a date/time depending on the new SPL
    • Senior Patrol Leader and all patrol leaders or assistant patrol leaders must attend
  • Fundraising
    • Penndel Day - June 1st:  Troop sells food and car wash
  • Service Hours
    • Richardson House Clean-up:  May 5th 12 - 2 pm
    • Adopt-a-Highway:  May 11th:  7:45 am - 10:00 am
      • This even is in need of at least 3 adults!
  • Summer Camp
    • June 23 - 29, Resica Falls
    • Make sure to prepare your medical forms.  Forms A, B, and C (requires a doctor's signature) must be completed prior to attending summer camp.  All the medical forms can be found HERE under the "Are you going to camp?" section.
    • Please go to HERE for merit badge pre-reqs.  These need to get done before summer camp or you will receive a partial!


John L. Papp
Troop 82
Our Lady of Grace
Penndel, Pa

Weekly Announcements: April 18th

Posted on Apr 17 2024 - 8:44pm

Hello Troop 82,

This week's special announcements:  This weekend's camping trip will be a Merit Badge weekend.  See below for pre-requisites that need to get done before camping as well as details for the weekend.  The next committee meeting is this Monday as well as the PLC meeting for the SPL and all patrol leaders or their assistant patrol leaders.  Don't forget to sign up for the car wash is scheduled for April 27th to help raise funds for summer camp.

The troop is always in need of volunteers, especially for the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration on June 9th:

  • Video/Photography (Photographer)
  • Memorabilia (Historian)
  • Decorating
  • Activities/Games (Scouts)
  • Catering
  • Cutlery/Paper Products (Quartermaster)
  • Press (Scribe)
  • Raffle
  • Gift Bags

Other volunteer positions within the troop that don't really require that much effort:

  • Fundraising (stickybuns, greenery, car wash, pancake breakfast, eat-out...pick one to help out with or make one up on your own)
  • Summer camp coordinator (register scouts, attend orientation zoom meetings, merit badge registration, YOU DON'T NEED TO ATTEND SUMMER CAMP!)
  • Camping adult...give our scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters a break and come along on one or two monthly camping trips a year

Major volunteer positions that will be required over the 2024-2025 scout year.  These are "Key Three" positions that are required to be a chartered troop in Scouts BSA.  They do have more responsibilities than the other positions but are a very rewarding experience!

  • Scoutmaster...scouting experience a plus but not a requirement
  • Committee Chair...good organizer and delegator

Here are this week's announcements.

  • Troop Meetings: 7:00 p.m. - Always Remember to Bring Your Scout Book!
    • April 29th:  Class B
    • May 6th:  Class A - SMC's and BoR's
    • May 13th:  Class B
    • May 27th:  Class B - Memorial Day
  • Camping Trips
    • April 19-21:  Merit Badge Weekend
      • Fort Washington State Park:
        • Departure time will be around 7:00 p.m. from the troop room unless another e-mail is sent out otherwise.
        • Weather looks to be partly sunny with temperature in the mid 60's during the day and mid 40's at night.  I would suggest wearing layers that can be taken off or put on as needed.  Chance of rain is 15% on Friday/Saturday and 3% on Sunday so plan accordingly.  I would suggest sunscreen and a hat that covers the ears because we may not always be in shade.
        • Return time will be around 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. on Sunday as we are relatively close
      • Don't forget to do your merit badges pre-reqs!
        • Camping:   3, 4a, 5a, 5d, 7a, 8c
        • Inventing:  1, 2b, 3, 5
        • Collectings:  1, 5a, 5e, 7
      • Everyone is welcome to bring a game to play during down times!
    • May 17-19:  Advancement Weekend
      • Camping Site TBD
      • Not at First Class...hopefully you will be by the end of the weekend!
      • First Class and above lead
  • Committee Meeting
    • April 22nd, 7:00 p.m., Troop Room
    • All troop adults invited to participate in troop planning
  • PLC Meeting
    • April 22nd, 7:30 p.m., Troop Room
    • Senior Patrol Leader and all patrol leaders or assistant patrol leaders must attend
  • Fundraising
    • Car Wash fundraiser on Saturday, April 27th from 12:30 to 4:30pm
  • Summer Camp
    • June 23 - 29, Resica Falls
    • Make sure to prepare your medical forms.  Forms A, B, and C (requires a doctor's signature) must be completed prior to attending summer camp.  All the medical forms can be found HERE under the "Are you going to camp?" section.
    • Please go to HERE for merit badge pre-reqs.  These need to get done before summer camp or you will receive a partial!


John L. Papp
Troop 82
Our Lady of Grace
Penndel, Pa

Weekly Announcements: April 11th

Posted on Apr 11 2024 - 8:29am

Hello Troop 82,

This week's special announcements:  If you haven't paid the additional $100 deposit for summer camp, please Venmo to @Troop82penndel or make check payable to "Troop 82" and bring to next troop meeting.  The next camping trip will be a Merit Badge weekend.  See below for pre-requisites that need to get done before camping if you want to earn the Camping, Inventing, and Collection Merit Badges.  Also, the car wash is scheduled for April 27th to help raise funds for summer camp.

The troop is always in need of volunteers, especially for the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration on June 9th:

  • Video/Photography (Photographer)
  • Memorabilia (Historian)
  • Decorating
  • Activities/Games (Scouts)
  • Catering
  • Cutlery/Paper Products (Quartermaster)
  • Press (Scribe)
  • Raffle
  • Gift Bags

Other volunteer positions within the troop that don't really require that much effort:

  • Fundraising (stickybuns, greenery, car wash, pancake breakfast, eat-out...pick one to help out with or make one up on your own)
  • Summer camp coordinator (register scouts, attend orientation zoom meetings, merit badge registration, YOU DON'T NEED TO ATTEND SUMMER CAMP!)
  • Camping adult...give our scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters a break and come along on one or two monthly camping trips a year

Major volunteer positions that will be required over the 2024-2025 scout year.  These are "Key Three" positions that are required to be a chartered troop in Scouts BSA.  They do have more responsibilities than the other positions but are a very rewarding experience!

  • Scoutmaster...scouting experience a plus but not a requirement
  • Committee Chair...good organizer and delegator

Here are this week's announcements.

  • Troop Meetings: 7:00 p.m. - Always Remember to Bring Your Scout Book!
    • April 15th:  Class B
      • Monthly camping trip prep
      • Camping trip merit badge pre-reqs.  Follow links for description of pre-reqs.
  • Camping Trips
    • April 19-21:  Merit Badge Weekend
      • Fort Washington State Park
      • Merit Badges
        • Camping
        • Inventing
        • Collectings
    • May 17-19:  Advancement Weekend
      • Camping Site TBD
      • Not at First Class...hopefully you will be by the end of the weekend!
      • First Class and above lead
  • Committee Meeting
    • April 22nd, 7:00 p.m., Troop Room
    • All troop adults invited to participate in troop planning
  • PLC Meeting
    • April 22nd, 7:30 p.m., Troop Room
    • Senior Patrol Leader and all patrol leaders or assistant patrol leaders must attend
  • Fundraising
    • Car Wash fundraiser on Saturday, April 27th from 12:30 to 4:30pm
  • Summer Camp
    • June 23 - 29, Resica Falls
    • Make sure to prepare your medical forms.  Forms A, B, and C (requires a doctor's signature) must be completed prior to attending summer camp.  All the medical forms can be found HERE under the "Are you going to camp?" section.
    • Please go to HERE for merit badge list and other details!

Everyone should have a login for website.  If you don't please contact me to receive your login information.  The website is the primary means by which information is both disseminated and collected!


John L. Papp
Troop 82
Our Lady of Grace
Penndel, Pa

Weekly Announcements: April 4th

Posted on Apr 3 2024 - 7:59pm

Hello Troop 82,

This week's special announcements:  An additional $100 deposit is due before merit badges can be selected.  Please Venmo to @Troop82penndel or make check payable to "Troop 82" and bring to next troop meeting.  I realize it is short notice so I will be going under the assumption that everyone is still going to summer camp so the $100 will be paid by the troop if finances are tight at the moment (but payment is very much appreciated if you have the funds available).  Please let Mark Reichardt (Reichardt4@verizon.net) know if you are using the campership funds for assistance or to know how much is in your scouts escrow account.  Here are those attending summer camp.  If you see your scout's name on this list and you have changed your mind attending, please let me know ASAP!

Angelini, Blake 
Boucher, Jacob 
Buretta, Caden 
Buttari, Jaime A 
Buttari, Jesse N 
Edwards, William 
Griffin, Jayden 
Gutherman, Albert
Gutherman, Charles
Hubbard, Ryan
Lewis, Joshua
Papp, Xander
Sanchez, Jack
Schaller, David 
Vendetti, Anthony 
Webb, Jack 
Williamson, Gavin 
Worthington, Ben
Finley Perkins

The troop is always in need of volunteers, especially for the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration on June 9th:

  • Video/Photography (Photographer)
  • Memorabilia (Historian)
  • Decorating
  • Activities/Games (Scouts)
  • Catering
  • Cutlery/Paper Products (Quartermaster)
  • Press (Scribe)
  • Raffle
  • Gift Bags

Other volunteer positions within the troop that don't really require that much effort:

  • Fundraising (stickybuns, greenery, car wash, pancake breakfast, eat-out...pick one to help out with or make one up on your own)
  • Summer camp coordinator (register scouts, attend orientation zoom meetings, merit badge registration, YOU DON'T NEED TO ATTEND SUMMER CAMP!)
  • Camping adult...give our scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters a break and come along on one or two monthly camping trips a year

Major volunteer positions that will be required over the 2024-2025 scout year.  These are "Key Three" positions that are required to be a chartered troop in Scouts BSA.  They do have more responsibilities than the other positions but are a very rewarding experience!

  • Scoutmaster...scouting experience a plus but not a requirement
  • Committee Chair...good organizer and delegator

Here are this week's announcements.

  • Troop Meetings: 7:00 p.m. - Always Remember to Bring Your Scout Book!
    • April 8th:  Class B
      • Eclipse!
      • April camping trip merit badge pre-reqs.
        • Camping
        • Inventing
        • Collections
      • Rank advancements
    • April 15th:  Class B
      • Monthly camping trip prep
      • Camping trip merit badge pre-reqs.
        • Camping
        • Inventing
        • Collections
  • Camping Trips
    • April 19-21:  Merit Badge Weekend
      • Fort Washington State Park
      • Merit Badges
        • Camping
        • Inventing
        • Collectings
    • May 17-19:  Advancement Weekend
      • Camping Site TBD
      • Not at First Class...hopefully you will be by the end of the weekend!
      • First Class and above lead
  • Committee Meeting
    • April 22nd, 7:00 p.m., Troop Room
    • All troop adults invited to participate in troop planning
  • PLC Meeting
    • April 22nd, 7:30 p.m., Troop Room
    • Senior Patrol Leader and all patrol leaders or assistant patrol leaders must attend
  • Summer Camp
    • June 23 - 29, Resica Falls
    • Make sure to prepare your medical forms.  Forms A, B, and C (requires a doctor's signature) must be completed prior to attending summer camp.  All the medical forms can be found HERE under the "Are you going to camp?" section.
    • Please go to HERE for merit badge list and other details!

Everyone should have a login for website.  If you don't please contact me to receive your login information.  The website is the primary means by which information is both disseminated and collected!


John L. Papp
Troop 82
Our Lady of Grace
Penndel, Pa

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